Monday, September 22, 2008

A little poopie story

I know, gotta love the title, but "little" is actually an understatement. And I have to first apologize to my little Leah for any embarrassment this story may cause her in the future :)

On Sunday Matt went to work on a project, so it was just me and the kiddos until bedtime. We had a blast playing as usual and then after dinner it was time for baths. Leah had a dirty diaper before her bath, so I just cleaned her up and put her in the tub with her sister. A few moments into their playtime I noticed Leah had two little turds floating in the water. great. So I scooped them out and drained the tub and proceeded to wash them with the running water as I let it refill.

So I decided this night to get one of them out of the tub and completely dress her in the bathroom while the other played in the water. For some reason they have gotten where they HATE being dressed after a bath and tend to squirm and crawl away while screaming. No idea why. So instead of fighting with one naked baby while the other naked baby crawled into the kitchen or somewhere, I got Hannah out of the tub and put her diaper and clothes on while Leah stayed in the tub. I looked at Leah as I was finishing up Hannah and noticed she was really interested in something. (I thought it was a bath toy). NOPE. She had about 5 more turds floating around her and she was playing with one. Yep, squishing it. So gross. (And I must say that neither girl has ever pooped in the tub... ever.).

So I quickly got her out while Hannah was trying to reach in to the now draining tub to play with what her sister had obviously liked so much. I laid Leah on her towel on the bathroom mat and ran to the nursery to get her a diaper.

In that amount of time she had pooped a rather large amount onto the towel, and as I approached her with the diaper she knew it was time to be dressed which prompted Leah to go into squirmy mode as she tried to crawl away. At this point I am trying to use the towel, wipes, whatever to clean her up enough where I could lay her down somewhere and put the darn diaper on. Hannah is now involved and trying to climb on me, or Leah, or the areas she need not be. I had to move Hannah to the playroom so she would not get into the mess (the playroom is 2 feet from the bathroom), and in that time Leah followed. Now she has poop all over her and is leaving a trail. I had to act fast. I closed the bathroom door and headed to my bathroom for a tub which was not contaminated.

Upon entering my bathroom I remembered that we had cut Matts hair the night before (in the tub) and had yet to vacuum it out. After a brief moment of panic I stuck Leah in my shower (Hannah is now following us and trying to also get in the shower, clothes and all). She did very well sitting under the running water and I got her cleaned up.

Finally both girls were diapered with pajamas on. I took them to the playroom and put the baby gate up where I could hear them as I cleaned the bathroom/hall. When I got done I went back in the playroom where both girls were standing by their toy bins that were now all completely emptied, and books scattered everywhere. They were so happy. Im glad that they are utterly oblivious to their antics.

What a night...


FoxMcLeod said...

Oh LORD! I don't know if I could have handled that. Actually, I probably would have been bursting with laughter and Tommy would have been mad as all get-out! Too gross, though. Sophie pooped once when she was a newborn WITH me in the tub. THAT was enough for me. Breastmilk poop does not clean up easily.

.r.figert. said...

I do not know how I missed this story! Hilarius! I could totally imagine it! Oh the things you talk about as a parent that you wouldn't have before poop. Ha!!!!