Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekly update

Been a few days since I have blogged so I thought I would type a few things as I eat my wonderful dinner of Kraft Mac N Cheese (at 10:30pm). Yes I just got home from work a little bit ago.

Anyway, What has been going on lately?

My grandmother is all moved in with my parents and seems to really like her new home. She said a few days ago that she did not feel like she was "home" at the assisted living, but now she does. My parents have the upstairs fixed up really nice for her, and so right now things are working out great. Laura took Grandmother Christmas shopping on Monday, and we all went over there for dinner Sunday. Other than that, I have been so busy with work, and they have been so busy getting her stuff unpacked I havent seen her. I hope things will settle down soon!

Last weekend Jason, Katy, Walker, and Eli came over, along with a good friend of ours, Sara, and her 10 month old Isaac. So we had five kids here ranging from 10 months to not quite 3. (And Katy is prego, so does that count as the 6th?). It was hilarious to watch the crew, and amazing to see how much the age gap among all of them has just closed in now that Hannah is walking and Isaac is crawling. They just played together. I can NOT even imagine next year when there is ANOTHER little McCay. But it was good times :)

Work has been busy, as it normally is this time of year. But I did manage to get the Christmas decorations up yesterday, and hopefully my house will be clean on Saturday! I love having the tree up, and the girls are fascinated by all the balls. Of course that is one of their favorite things, and there are about 500 on my tree. Too bad they get told no every time they go near it. Maybe they will learn not to touch the tree by the time we take it down.

The latest on the kiddos:

Hannah is walking everywhere and there is no stopping her. She has gained a little independence with this stage though, and she will actually walk out of the room that I am in. She usually comes back quickly with some kind of toy to give me but Im glad she is gaining some sense of independence. Leah will always follow Hannah so it is good for her too.

Leah is not walking but seems like she wants to. She just gets too excited when she is standing and kind of hops and then falls. Her feet are shaped a little strange, mainly they just point a lot, so she cant quite find her balance. Not something I will worry about until a little later though.

We are trying to wean from the bottle. Honestly this is a weaning process for me too! Bottles are an easy way to get the girls to sleep and though I know it is time to start working on giving it up, I do not know if we are ready :). We probably resorted to giving a bottle in too many situations but I dont care. We did what we had to do. Problem is, they will NOT drink milk from a sippy cup, warm cold or whatever. So I may have to get creative in order to get their milk intake in while we are weaning. Ive heard adding Carnation Instant Breakfast to the milk is a good idea, but then I have to wean off that. So right now, instead of making it all dark and holding them for their nighttime bottle, we just give them a bottle around 7:30 that they can drink while they play and then we read them a story and they are put to bed. Seems easy enough. Then we can switch it to the sippy cup. Well, when we give them the bottle, they just lay down on the floor or climb in our laps so we can hold them while they drink. We tried just nixing the bottle at night and giving them a sippy cup - which they didnt touch, but they cried for about 2 hours. I dunno. Im a bad mommy I guess but I need to be weaned :)

Funny things

- The other day we were playing in the playroom, and the door to the den was open. The girls LOVE the dogs and like to share with them. So Hannah took a lego block out of the room, and when she returned a minute later it was gone. She got another, and left again, returning blockless. She did this about 7 times, and turns out she was taking them all to Millie and Kody who were laying on the couch. They had a nice little pile of Legos next to them, along with a few "little people". Such a sweet girl.

- Last night Matt and I were eating some leftovers, and the girls had already had their dinner. Of course they wanted what we had though. I was sitting in the kitchen, and Matt was in the den (about 10 steps away from each other). Both girls were at my feet wanting a bite of my dinner. So they had to take turns. Bite for me, then Leah, then Hannah, ... Hannah was in no mood to wait though, so she would get her bite from me then walk over to Matt so he could give her a bite, then back to me. Leah eventually went to Matt and stayed, and so Hannah would get her bite from me, walk over to see if Leah was still with Matt and then come back to me. Ridiculous. Oh yeah, when Leah had had enough she took her bite (a noodle) out of her mouth and gave it to Kody. Matt gave her another noodle (in response to Leah's open mouth) and she did the same thing. They have a little pact going Im afraid...

- Apparently when the dogs bark or the garage door opens/closes, the girls think Dada is home. It is so cute. They go to the front windows or to the top of the stairs saying "dada? dada?" over and over again. Unfortunately the dogs bark at everything so normally it is not Dada.

Not much else is going on right now that I can think of. But I do have to be up at 5 to go to work, so goodnight!


Anonymous said...

Hey there. Glad to read that all is well your way. When I put both my kids on milk from a cup I put a little Ovaltine in there. Just a tad. Not even close to a serving. Then once they really loved their milk, I just SLOWLY started taking the Ovaltine out of the milk. We had no problems with Olivia, but Noah had a bit of a tough time with getting on the cup, but keep at it and it will work. You will probably have one that takes easier to it than the other.

McKt said...

-What do you mean, can't imagine 6...It will be even more crazy when you and Sara have your next ones. :)

-Maybe the girls will get the Christmas tree thing. Eli figured it out pretty quick last year. Now, the train that was more of a problem, what with it moving and all.

-Too funny about Hannah sharing with the dogs. At least the dogs tolerate her, must be nice.

-And the dog barking and the kiddos thinking it is daddy, never goes away. The boys do wait until after naps to think that the dogs barking = daddy is home. Of course that means that the school bus, the neighbors, the kids playing outside, etc., are all assumed to be daddy coming home.