Thursday, December 27, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

Jingle came to the McCay household this year... making a late debut on December 5th actually.  The girls were thrilled.  We read the Elf on the Shelf book and learned all about her and they quickly gave her the name Jingle.  Little did we know that Jingle has a 2nd cousin elf in Texas also named Jingle, though it is unlikely that they will ever meet.

The girls thoroughly enjoyed Jingle's antics this year.  She helped me paint my kitchen, got a terrible cold, became buds with some of the girls' toys, wrapped up what she believed was some of the girls prize possessions (their am applejuice - worse than a caffeine addict with am coffee), hung snow flakes,  brought magic seeds, and laid out in her own makeshift raft.  Sometimes she just hid, or dressed up, or decided to sleep in their room.  The girls started waking up extra early every morning just to see what the little sprite had been up to.  Mommy did not like this part of it...

I think their favorite was the video of pictures using my computer.  Or the snowflakes.  They wouldnt let me take those down for a while...

Here is a glimpse of our month with Jingle.
Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

Jingle the Elf on the Shelf

We were sad to see her go and looking forward to her return next Christmas!

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