It is hard to believe that 6 months ago today the girls entered the world. Has it really been half a year already? For a special gift on their 6 month birthday, they got shots! Two injections in each thigh. Poor things.
My sister is in Florida this week so I was going to have to take the girls to the doctor alone. Matt took off work yesterday so he could not come. Luckily, my dad is awesome and agreed to meet me at the pediatricians. I just did not want to have to put down one screaming baby with severely hurt feelings in order to hold the other baby for her shots. At least Papa could hold the one who was done. That worked out really well. He just liked to introduce the girls to everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) as his grand dots and then explain to that person why they are called dots. He also liked claiming them as his own and see the confused look on the face of whom he was talking to. Haha, well at least he stayed entertained! He did have a hard time watching the girls scream in agony though... Thank you so much for going with me, Dad.
The girls are growing very well (to say the least!) Leah is now 25 3/4 inches long (she is my shorty, being in the 10th-25th percentile for length). But she has not been missing any meals! She now weighs 16lbs, 13 1/2 oz and is in the 50-75th percentile for weight. She and her sister are both in the 50th% for head circumference (16 3/4). Dr. Bashinski says that she is developing according to her gestational age, or equal to 5 months. I think she is ahead in some things and a little behind in others, but I am sure she will catch up soon! She is actually just smart. Why do work when other people will do it for you? ... She has a point :)
Hannah is definitely longer than Leah. She is 27 inches (75-90th%). And she weighs 17lbs, 10oz! (75-90%) She has come a long way from her 5lbs 5oz 6 months ago! She is a little ahead of "normal" 6 month olds developmentally. I do not really know how the doc officially determines this based on a 5 minute assessment, but whatever.
The important thing is that both are right on target for what is expected of them. (Yes I know they are brilliant but they do not like to perform for strangers) :) You would barely know they were premies!
They did very well at the appointment though minus the screaming from their shots, but who can blame them. We got home and they ate really well and then we all took a little walk. That made them in a much better mood. They went to bed easily, but then Hannah woke up and has been in her crib screaming for about 2 hours, so it has taken me that long to write this blog. (Write a sentence, pat the baby, write half a sentence... you get the picture). It has been quiet for about 5 minutes now so hopefully she will sleep through the night since I have to work really early tomorrow. Grammy gets a full day with the girls starting at 7:30am!
Happy 6 month birthday girls! Mommy won't make you get shots for 3 more months!