Friday, August 22, 2008

Daily Happenings

In reading (aka laughing hysterically at) a friends blog it reminded me of the daily occurrences that seem to happen around here much more frequently. My precious little angels are officially into EVERYTHING...

Favorite toys?
an open 24 can box of diet dr. pepper: they will reach in and try to take out the cans one by one, only they are way too heavy for their one tiny hand to pick up so it is just long attempt that normally ends in frustration or boredom.

the dog bowl: The empty metal ones are really fun to throw around the hardwoods because they make an amazingly loud noise. The water bowls are FANTASTIC.

the dogs: Their new thing is to go up to Kody or Millie's face (open mouthed) and try to get the dogs to lick their faces... which they unfortunately readily oblige. The girls get a big kick over this, especially Hannah.

Anything the other baby has: Leah is really bad about this. Hannah can be sitting there peacefully drinking from her sippy cup and Leah will crawl over to her with a mission and simply bat it out of her hands. Not even so she can have it for herself, but just so sissy doesnt have it anymore. This applies to everything.

Cords: Computer cords, vacuum cords, cable modem cords, phone cords - its all fair game. They know they are "no touch" items which only causes them to turn and look at us as they are about to grab the cord, give a huge grin while I say "no no" and proceed on anyway. Its a fun game.

Paper: Leah is a goat. She will take BITES out of magazines, mail, tags, receipts, or any other paper product that may be in her path. If you dont catch it fast enough it just becomes this big pile of mush that she moves around in her mouth. We actually had to clean her sippy cup off from dried paper that had become stuck around the mouthpiece from some unknown source.

Laundry baskets: I swear I really do not need to fold clothes because it is so much fun to stand by the basket and pull out every item one by one, and if it is folded when it hits the ground, they will sit by said folded item and shake it into oblivion until it is properly rumpled.

Fireplace/ Refrigerator/ Pantry/ Drawers : Any open door is fair game. Things must be gotten out of the refrigerator at record speed because soon a baby will be climbing in... Putting up groceries is a free for all. The fireplace is off limits - which is another "no no" they seem to laugh at as they reach for the screen. They know how to get in the pantry, so I conveniently keep boxes of macaroni and other items of that sort on the bottom shelf. So at any given moment I can walk into the kitchen and food boxes can be scattered.

Diapers: I have no idea why, but the playroom has clean diapers scattered because they are fun to shake.

So with all these fun things, why do we even have a playroom? Why have toys? Actually, I have no idea.

But back on my original topic, they are into everything and having lots of falls. Apparently Hannah had quite a nasty one while trying to stand in the bath tub while Matt was giving baths the other night - leaving one screaming baby who still had to be bathed and promted the other baby to scream as well - since they have to do EVERYTHING together.

Sadly earlier that same day Hannah pulled up on the kitchen chair, which then fell backwards on top of her causing her to bump her head on the wall and have a chair fall on top of her head. Amazingly she bounced right back.

Little Leah is more inclined to pull Hannah down so nothing too bad has happened to her in the last week or so. :)

Needless to say, they are busy little suckers and it cracks us up.


Sara said...

Isaac is in total agreement about the excitement found in eating paper and unfolding folded clothes! Up until now I have just been blaming Ben for his weird eating habits and his need to make a mess, since surely these are habits he inherits from his daddy....right? :)

FoxMcLeod said...

OH MY GOSH! This must be a phenomenon. The paper, the cords, the clothes, the soda, the cabinets (had to buy some TotLocks), the diaper shaking, the fireplace, even little pieces of carpet are found in her mouth!!!??? What in the world! And yes, we constantly laugh, too. Oh, do they grab cords and then when you start walking toward them, do they hold the cord out to you like, "Oh, mommy, I got this for you."